Author & Inspirational Speaker

Inspirational Speaker & Author

   A little bit about myself. I am by nature a very curious person. I have a fascination or you could also call it a passion for people, relationships, and the human experience. What makes people do what they do? How come some people are so conscious and others don’t seem to get it at all? So many questions!

  I grew up half of my life in Winnipeg, Manitoba with a very large, very close and fun-loving family all around me. I spent a lot of weekends at the farm with my Nana and Papa Joe, and I loved it. I come from a Ukrainian family with one dash of German just for some extra spice. Food and family were my life and how I was raised. I must say that I had a really wonderful childhood, I was very loved and had so much fun. My father was transferred eventually and my family moved across the prairies to a place called St. Albert, Alberta, a suburb of Edmonton. Finally, some hills! Literally a few years later I was moving all over and anywhere I wanted to. I took full advantage of being an independent young woman with very little fear of anything!

   I think life is so cool! I live it as large as possible in the moment. I love my family, my loud, fun, crazy bunch that I belong to, and we tend to swear a lot.  I have the greatest friends I also surround myself with on purpose! My pets are my therapy, along with my yoga mat. Great food, and great wine is a must in my world. I love to cook and definitely show my love by filling people’s bellies. This brings me much happiness!

  Trying new things and going to new places is what living is all about for me. I feel like I am a wandering gypsy at heart; you could toss me anywhere and I would find a way to become happy and comfortable where ever I land! Excitement of the unknown adventure is what really gets me going! And I find airports one of the most exciting places because you never know who you may run into all while feeling the anticipation of taking off to somewhere else. I feel like you have to always keep learning about yourself, getting out there, become comfortable with what perhaps seems uncomfortable at first. I think its just so important to keep discovering yourself.

    I love music. I love every kind of music. I cry when I am at the symphony because of the wonder and awe of how so many people have mastered an instrument and play all together to create such beauty at the same time. It overwhelms me, with emotion and joy. Listening also to other peoples’ stories and adventures is a gift. I love learning from others. There really is inspiration everywhere! I also love sports, like really love sports. I enjoy playing them, watching them, getting together with friends over a game. There is a lot of life that can be worked out on the yoga mat and the golf course!

  I have a very strong spiritual side to me, and believe that is paramount in my soul to be feeling and fulfilling its truest purpose. Mother nature and animals are such a gift, and help me reset at the times when I most need to feel a connection of some kind. And I meditate every single day, sometimes multiple times a day.

    For me I had to figure out how to create the life I want to live, even when things get in the way, it makes us have to get creative. I have survived a deadly car crash and cancer. This is what drives me to share with everyone some of the most important lessons and truths about life, that I have learned. We all have a purpose; I know mine is to pay forward the gifts of my experiences in the hope of encouraging others. Helping people to realize how important we all are, and how much the universe needs each one of us. By taking care of our own hearts and souls first, we can then all be better at looking out for one another and passing that love on. I am a huge fan of forgiveness, kindness, serendipity, coincidences, adventures, hope and faith. My wish is that everyone can live and experience the best that life has to offer, whatever that may look like for each of us.